Create Attachment Campaign

Created by Abderrahim Ibnou el kadi, Modified on Fri, 11 Sep, 2020 at 8:29 AM by Jason Carreiro


How do I create an Attachment Campaign?


This campaign tries to get the user to open a simulated malicious PDF, DOCX or XLSX file attachment. When the user opens the file they are presented a Teachable Moment or a standard message with a link to the Teachable Moment.

  1. Navigate to Phishing
  2. Click on New Campaign
  3. Choose Create Attachment Campaign 
  4. Type name in the Campaign Titlefield
    • Required and must be unique
    • No end users will see the campaign name, so make it relevant and obvious to other administrators and yourself so it is easily locatable
  5. Select one or multiple Phishing Templates or Create a Template from Scratch
    • Filter on Language, Category and Average Failure Rate (AFR)
  6. Click on the eye to preview the template(s).  If any changes need to be made, you can Edit Template
  7. Add Campaign Users
  8. In Depth Training -   Auto-Enrollment
    • If selected, users will be assigned training if the fail campaign conditions 
  9. Select Attachment Teachable Moment* - If the end user does not have PhishAlarm 3.0 installed, our standard attachment will open with a link at the bottom directing the user to the Attachment Teachable Moment selected below.
    1. Choose category from drop-down list
    2. Filter by Language
      • Note: Language will default to the regional settings in the user's browser.  If Multilingual is selected, the user will be able to select the language from a drop down menu in the upper right hand corner of the Teachable Moment
    3. Select Specific Teachable Moment
  10. Data collection- select the date to stop collecting click data and to stop presenting Teachable Moments to end users
    • Never end data collection or disable Teachable Moment OR
    • End data collection and disable Teachable Moment (set date/time or link duration)
  11. Scheduling
    • Schedule Campaign - date and time when a campaign starts
    • Random Scheduling - date and time range when the campaign will start - emails will go out randomly over the time frame
  12. Plugin Detection
  13. Network Checks - Weak Network Egress Detection (Enables weak network egress checks in the email message)
  14. User Data Options - Anonymize Results (optional)
  15. Email Tracking Options- Track Email Opens
  16. Save Draft
  17. Click on Draft Campaign tab 
  18. Click on pencil next to campaign name
  19. Next to Selected Templates, click on the envelope
    • A test email will be sent to your email account
  20. Once you have verified your test email you can click Create Campaign