By default, outbound encryption is not active and it I s only available with Advanced and Professional plan.
For a security reasons most if not all clients prefer to have their mail encrypted when leaving their premise but since this is not turned on by default, the steps below will be configuring the encryption for all users on the domain(s) but first you will need to:
- Login to the Proofpoint portal
- Click on company settings
- Tic the box next to Enable Email Encryption
4. Click on SAVE.
Then create the standard subject to filter with [encrypt] or any other word you want to use in the subject line I.e.: [Secure], [Confidential], [Secret]
5. Under Security Settings, click Email.
6. Click Filter Policies.
7. Select the Outbound tab.
8. Click on New Filter
9. Choose a name for your filter (e.g. Encryption - subject).
10. Click Continue.
11. Ensure Scope is set to Company.
12. chose Email Subject under the If statement
13.Second Parameter: CONTAIN(S) ANY OF
14. In the text box enter your value(s) separated with comma and single space: [encrypt], [Secure] etc.
15. Select Encrypt under the Do statement
16. Note that you can ADD ANOTHER CONDITION or ANOTHER ACTION if needed.
17. Click Save.