How to create DKIM on modusGate

Created by Abderrahim Ibnou el kadi, Modified on Wed, 17 May, 2023 at 5:40 PM by Abderrahim Ibnou el kadi

This article is only for customers using modusGate and wanting to created a DKIM record for their domain(s).


1. Open modusGate conosle

2. Click on Security 

3. Click on Domain keys

4.  Click on Add button

5. Add the Domain name you want to create the DKIM for  i.e:

6. Add the Selector name i.e.:  AnyName

7. Click OK

8. Copy the whole string that is created after you click OK in STEP 7

9. Paste the content in a notepad (sample below ) IN TXT ("p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADXRFCBiQKBgQDD0Opy25T/3R32+H4ncMs5Ja/y/Kz/AgD9W9xfM7t7Z32UJefdUEkuLshpXMCyHRxeBRJpj3mEV7wqWB1gEOVTCbEyCM3ii4Hlh0F2hySU9ViEWKCaq+KvBQrxEB2yiavHIuYcZb7V03kMXJKmCoxGL8kT3M0Laf+eDirkdqAmxwIDAQAB;")

10. Based on content of (Step 9) do the following:


a. Selector Name  is the equivalent of   HOST column (on your DNS registrar)

take the first line i.e.  and remove the (dot) and the domain name so it becomes like this : myselector._domainkey  and this is the final value you will populate your HOST column in your DNS registrar

b. Domain Key Properties  is the equivalent of   VALUE column  (on your DNS registrar)

Copy everything that is in between the  double quotes ("") including the last semi column (;) and paste it in a separate line that is starting with  v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=s; m=core; so the full line should look like this:

v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=s; n=core; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADXRFCBiQKBgQCYPkaU5400hvH/uRqi+wqWcYBGARdiYI+CJMJShQafesb27DM2cHWYCmgosHZRAmJN2bh7JdNOylM2OrhnyzEeYuhtWdXREYdU1RSxXbiMycRuKvNJAa4MQEllpJyioKh4gxhALTrmXtJB2L5suGfJc6aXlx3v4CnRe2UpMfDoDQIDAQAB;

11. so as of now we have the TWO DNS registrar fields:

Host =  myselector._domainkey

Value = v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=s; n=core; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADXRFCBiQKBgQCYPkaU5400hvH/uRqi+wqWcYBGARdiYI+CJMJShQafesb27DM2cHWYCmgosHZRAmJN2bh7JdNOylM2OrhnyzEeYuhtWdXREYdU1RSxXbiMycRuKvNJAa4MQEllpJyioKh4gxhALTrmXtJB2L5suGfJc6aXlx3v4CnRe2UpMfDoDQIDAQAB;

12. Navigate to your DNS registrar portal and create a new TXT record  using the HOST and the VALUE in step 11

13. once you added the record as in STEP 12, allow few minutes for the propagation then verify from modusGate if your record is set correctly.  to do so:

a. Go back to the modusGate console Security >Domains

b.  Select your domain under domain key configuration section (in case you have multiple domains)

c.  Click on Test DNS String button under domain key properties section

d. you should get a popup with "Test DNS string successfully" message

Note: Please make sure to allow enough time to your DNS to push the updates before you test the string on modusGate

Contact support at if you run into any issues.