How-To: Move ModusMail or ModusGate to Another Machine

Created by Marc Chouinard, Modified on Wed, 24 Jul, 2024 at 4:55 PM by Marc Chouinard


This KB has been imported from our legacy KB system


We recommend using the following procedure for moving ModusMail or ModusGate to a new server *



1) Backup the current configuration on the old server:

  • From the Modus Administration console, click on File and select Backup configuration...
  • Choose where to save the file and click Save
  • This will saves the config to a *.reg file
  • The 32bit or 64bit file registry should look similar as it is listed below

  • Now copy the edited registry file to the new server


2) Install ModusGate and Restore on the new server

  • Ensure that new server is functioning properly with all windows updates applied
  • Download and install the exact same version of Modusgate that exists on the old server
  • You can download modus versions from our website and use your license key to login to your profile
  • Once the download is complete launch the installer and follow the steps on the screen
  • If the installer does not detect any version of SQL on the local server, it will download it and install it automatically for you during the Modusgate install to complete the installation of Modusgate
  • During the SQL install it will request an “sa” account password to be used for SQL. Please apply the same “sa” password during the new installation of SQL that was used on the old installation of SQL 
  • Once done, if on the new server, you installed Modus under a directory that is different from that of the old server, you will have to edit the backup registry file 
  • EXAMPLE: If the old Modus server has the installation on the C: drive and the new server has the installation on the D: drive, then the following must be modified in the registry backup file as shown below
  • Edit the registry backup file with notepad
  • Then click the Edit menu in notepad and select Replace from the menu 
  • In the Replace text box type in the entries to modify the installation directory path and click Replace All
  • The registry file should now look similar to the image below

  • Save the changes to the back file and then import it into the new Modus server
  • From the Modus Administration console, click on File and select Restore configuration...
  • Now you’re new ModusGate server should be running  


3) Migrate SQL Database to the new server


  • If you plan on having new SQL databases used for your migration then this section can be skipped to step 4
  • To migrate your current SQL servers from on server to another, there is a great blog posted on our website located at
  • Once the SQL migration is complete, log back into the Modus Administration console and verify if Modusgate are pointed to the correct databases which have been imported
  • This option can be found in the Modus Administration console under SYSTEM – SYSTEM DATABASE
  • Then restart all the Modusgate services by going under SYSTEM – SERVICES, select all services holding the “Shift” button. Then click STOP and START button to restart services as shown below



4) Migrate Access Database to the new server

  • If your environment does not have any Access databases, then you can skip to step 5
  • To move your sieve database or whitelist\blacklist entries to your new server you must first locate it on the old server
  • In the root installation of Modusgate on the old server, you will find a directory named SieveData. Open that folder to locate a file named SieveStore.mdb. The image below shows the location
  • Copy that SieveStore.mdb file from the old server the same root installation path of Modusgate on the new server in the SieveData directory
  • Replace any existing .mdb file in that directory and then restart all Modusgate services as shown in step 3

5) Migrate Quarantine folder


  • Although you moved over the quarantine database as indicated in step 3, the actual message files are still stored on the old Modus server. 
  • To located the quarantine emails login to the old Modus server and open the registry
  • Then in the hive HKLM\Software\Vircom\VOPMAIL locate the registry key named “VsQuarantineDestinationPath”
  • This is the path that stores all the quarantined email for your Modusgate which must be copied to your new Modusgate server
  • Go to that path and copy the entire folder to the new server to C:\respool
  • Once the copy is completed to the new server all the folder from the @quarantine folder will now be listed in C:\respool
  • Then extract all the .msg files from each of there individual folders and copy them into C:\respool folder
  • Now we have to respool the spam messages into the quarantine database on the new server
  • There is a knowledge base article on how to prep the messages before respool, use the link to locate the knowledge base article: RCP Creator Utility for Respooling Messages   
  • Now that the messages are prepped, you can respool them by following the instructions in the following knowledge base article: How-To: Respool Messages
  • Once all is done you can restart all Modusgate services as shown in step 3
  • The modusgate migration is now complete


6) "Optional" Web folders and .INI

  • Your webquarantine or webadmin pages may have some customization for logos, colors… etc.
  • To move the settings over you must copy some of the web folders from the old server to the new server
  • On the old Modusgate server, locate the directory which holds the web page configuration \Web\Quarantine\Webroot\Themes
  • In this directory you will find some folders which hold the custom images for your domain
  • You will have to copy the entire folder to the new server in the same location under Web\Quarantine\Webroot\Themes
  • Once the copy is done, open up the webmailsvr.ini file located under \Web\Quarantine\ and modify any IP address which were once pointing to the old server to the new servers IP address.
  • Once that is done restart the iis service and restart the webmail services in Modusgate located under SYSTEM – SERVICES



Day 1

1) Backup the current configuration on the old server:

  • From the Modus Administration console, click on File and select Backup configuration..
  • Choose where to save the file and click Save
  • This will saves the config to a *.reg file   
  • The 32bit or 64bit file registry should look similar as it is listed below

  • Now copy the edited registry file to the new server

2) Install ModusMail and Restore on the new server

  • Ensure that new server is functioning properly with all windows updates applied
  • Download and install the exact same version of Modusmail that exists on the old server
  • You can download modus versions from our website and use your license key to login to your profile
  • Once the download is complete launch the installer and follow the steps on the screen
  • If the installer does not detect any version of SQL on the local server, it will download it and install it automatically for you during the Modusmail install to complete the installation of Modusmail
  • During the SQL install it will request an “sa” account password to be used for SQL. Please apply the same “sa” password during the new installation of SQL that was used on the old installation of SQL
  • Once done, if on the new server, you installed Modus under a directory that is different from that of the old server, you will have to edit the backup registry file
  • EXAMPLE: If the old Modus server has the installation on the C: drive and the new server has the installation on the D: drive, then the following must be modified in the registry backup file as shown below
  • Edit the registry backup file with notepad
  • Then click the Edit menu in notepad and select Replace from the menu
  • In the Replace text box type in the entries to modify the installation directory path and click Replace All
  • The registry file should now look similar to the image below

  • Save the changes to the back file and then import it into the new Modus server
  • From the Modus Administration console, click on File and select Restore configuration...
  • Now you’re new Modusmail server should be running

3) Robocopy the Mailbox Webmail & Quarantine data


  • This section of the copy of data is strongly recommended to be done after hours, reason being is that the data copy can take many hours and can cause traffic load
  • Both the old and the new server have to be shared and able to see each other on the network
  • On the old server make sure Robocopy is installed to be used to copy the data over
  • Once Robocopy is installed we can now run the command in the command prompt to copy the mailboxes, webmail and @quarantine folder
  • On the old server open the command prompt and locate the directory path of where robocopy was installed
  • Then from the path execute the commands listed below
  • These commands will copy all the mailbox folders, quarantine, and webmail folders to the remote server, the /w:1 and /:r1 means that if the mailbox is in use wait 1 second if a file is in use and then retry to copy 1 second later

C:\Windows\System32\Robocopy.exe "C:\Program Files\Vircom\ModusMail\MAILBOX" "\\NewServer\MAILBOX" /e /s /w:1 /r:1

C:\Windows\System32\Robocopy.exe "C:\Program Files\Vircom\ModusMail\MAILBOX\@Quarantine" "\\NewServer\@Quarantine" /e /s /w:1 /r:1

C:\Windows\System32\Robocopy.exe "C:\Program Files\Vircom\Web\Webmail\Users" "\\NewServer\Webmail\Users" /e /s /w:1 /r:1

Day 2

4) Migrate SQL Database to the new server

  • If you plan on having new SQL databases used for your migration then this section can be skipped to step 5
  • To migrate your current SQL servers from on server to another, there is a great blog posted on our website located at
  • Once the SQL migration is complete, log back into the Modus Administration console and verify if Modusmail are pointed to the correct databases which have been imported
  • This option can be found in the Modus Administration console under SYSTEM – SYSTEM DATABASE
  • Then restart all the Modusmail services by going under SYSTEM – SERVICES, select all services holding the “Shift” button. Then click STOP and START button to restart services as shown below