Setting Up Alerts

Created by Jason Carreiro, Modified on Thu, 5 Dec at 1:07 PM by Marc Chouinard

The Vircom Portal Alert is used by ProofPoint Essentials administrators to set and view Alerts for issues and events that might occur in ProofPoint Essentials. The selected Alerts are viewed in Vircom Portal and are also sent daily to the email address configured by the administrator. 

The Vircom Portal also enables the administrator to connect directly to ProofPoint Essentials to either view or take action to remedy the issue or mis-configuration that resulted in the Alert seen. 

Setting Up Alerts:

1- Login to our portal page at

2- Use an Organization Administrator account or Strategic Partner account to login to the interface.

  • Note: on 1 single account is allowed logging in on this site, there is no option to have multiple login accounts.

3- Once logged in click on the ALERTS tab to setup alerts.

4- On this page you can configure which alerts you would like to be alerted for and who will receive a daily report in csv format. An example can shown below. A report will be sent to the admin every day at 8AM local time. Click on the user icon on top right and click Settings.

5- Next you can enable or disable which alerts you would like to receive on a daily basis by toggling the switches. Below is an simple explanation for all alert.

6- As you can see the list can provide alerts ranging from when a mailbox is self-trusted to user license count and your MX records have changed.

7- When you have selected the option you wish to monitor, scroll back up to the top and click the SAVE CHANGES button.

8- You have now setup your domain for monitoring of active and suspicious content. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our support team at 514-845-8474 or email us at