Create RULES and CONNECTORS in office365 through Vircom Portal

Created by Abderrahim Ibnou el kadi, Modified on Fri, 13 Aug, 2021 at 11:59 AM by Abderrahim Ibnou el kadi


This document will guide you step by step to complete the Azure Sync setup by creating the RULES and CONNECTORS in the office 365 exchange management console Mail flow that are needed to finish the configuration.


Before you start you need to make sure you have both credentials to the admin account on office 365 and the organization admin to the Proofpoint Portal, then follow the steps below:

1—Make sure you already logged in to the Proofpoint portal

2- Navigate to the and login using the same account you used to login to the Proofpoint portal

3- Once on the Dashboard of the VircomPortal click on the “Connections and Rules” on the left menu (Figure 1)

4- Click the drop-down menu next to “Stack” and select the proper stack EU or US (Figure 1)

Figure 1 :


5- Click the drop-down menu next to “Action” and chose the appropriate action but if this is the first time then it is better to chose “Create ALL” (Figure 2)


Figure 2:

6- Once the actions are complete and read the notifications displayed click on the “Create” button


7- When prompted with username and password, make sure you enter the credentials of the admin account on office 365, this is the way the API will now which tenant to connect to and where to create the RULES and CONNECTORS necessary to the Sync. (Figure 3)

Figure 3:


8- Once the process is done successfully you will be prompted with the following (Figure 4)

Make sure also to read the THREE (03) notifications displayed

 Important: If the login Window keeps looping, please make sure that Multifactor Authentication (MFA) is not turned on for the account used, And if it is, then turn it off temporarily.

 Figure 4: